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Apa itu Dinar dan Dirham?

Apa itu Dinar dan Dirham? Koin dinar emas adalah koin emas 22 karat (91,7%) dengan berat 4,25 gram yang dapat berfungsi sebagai alat investasi dan proteksi nilai kekayaan. Mengapa 4,25 gram? Hamburger-meat-pie. Rasulullah Sholallahu Alaihi Wa Salam bersabda “Timbangan mengikuti yang digunakan penduduk Mekah, Takaran mengikuti yang digunakan penduduk Madinah”. Dari hadits Rasulullah Sholallahu Alaihi Wa Salam tersebut, Dr. Qaradawi menyimpulkan bahwa berat 1 Dinar atau 1 Mithqal adalah sama dengan 4.25 gram timbangan saat ini ; sedangkan berat 1 Dirham adalah 2.975 gram. Mengapa 22 karat? Berikut adalah fakta-fakta sejarah: Semasa Rasulullah Sholallahu Alaihi Wa Salam masih hidup; beliau belum (memerintahkan ) mencetak Dinar Islam sendiri. Berarti Rasulullah Sholallahu Alaihi Wa Salam menggunakan Dinar yang diproduksi oleh dunia di luar Islam.  Apa yang ada sebelum Islam atau di luar Islam kemudian juga digunakan oleh beliau, maka  ini menjadi ketetapan atau taqrir...
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Dinar Dirham Mentioned In Quran and Hadith

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What is dinar and dirham

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Gold Dinar & Silver Dirham

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THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF REVIVING DINAR AND DIRHAM CURRENCY SYSTEM IN THE MODERN ECONOMY WORLD Muhammad Muflih Pupil-aperture-of-eye. This study demonstrates that in the talk of fiqh, Islamic history, and Islamic banking the place of the idea of restoring the cash of dirham and dinar is extremely feeble. Markers that legitimize the finish of this study are: (1) there is a correspondence with authentic proof of expansion in the Islamic world, (2) there is correspondence with contemplations of fiqh, (3) there is a correspondence with current syariah monetary idea, and (4) there is a correspondence with Islamic financial demeanor. This study is composed to challenge the possibility of Ahmad Hasan, Hifzu Rab, Khan-Mirakhor, Meera-Larbani, and 'Umar Vadillo who express that expansion issue in Islamic world is best addressed by reapplying the monetary standards of dinar and dirham as bases of exchange intercession.  The mistake of finish of the cutting edge Islamic financial analyst f...

Uang Kertas vs Dinar Dirham

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Problems I see with the current Dinar system

What problems I see with the current Dinar system? 1] I don’t believe the dinar should be priced according to the trading spot price, because they are trading paper on the exchanges and instead should atleast be fixed once a day with the fixed prices of London or New York.  Hamburger-vegetable-soup. The continuous checking of the paper to metal value isnt practical, especially if done in a market place, as some type of stability is needed. Or better yet, have a stable value similar to how The American Open Currency Standard has it or Hugo Salinas-Price’s (President of the Mexican Civic Association for Silver) concept of it, seen in slide 9 of his presentation on ‘ How to monetize silver so that it can circulate permanently in parallel with paper and digital money’. 2] I believe that minted coins should be minted for the lowest price to spot/fixed price, which unfortunately I dont see with eDinar – Digital eDinar $203.66 while coin $224.12 (10% premium – reasonable) and Digi...

Introduction of Dinar and Dirham

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