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Dinar Dirham Mentioned In Quran and Hadith

Dinar Dirham Mentioned In Quran and Hadith

Let's look and feel some evidences which the Koran is also a hadith that mentions the Prophet dinar and dirham.
For evidences from the Qur'an, I include here a sign on the dinar and dirham another.

Verse mentions the dinar is:

"Among the People of the Scripture there is he who, if thou trust him with a weight of treasure, will return it (properly) to you, and some of them who, if thou trust store sedinar already, it will not return it to thee unless you always claim. That is because they say: "We have no duty to bear the sins of those who neither read nor write," and they always say a lie against Allah while they know (that they are lying). "(Surah Ak-Imran: Verse 75)

While verse mentions the Dirham is:

"And (Brethren) sold him for a low price, the number of silver coins and merekaadalah people who do not appreciate it."(Surah Yusuf: Verse 20)

While evidences from hadith about I attach a story Urwah bin Abi Al-Ja'd Al-Bariqi,

Urwah bin Abi Al-Ja'd Al-Bariqi, he said:

"The Messenger of Allah gave him a dinar to buy a goat, then he bought for the Prophet saw two goats with the money. So it sold for a price of a dinar and bring one lamb and one dinar to the Prophet. Then the Prophet pray: "He (Urwa), if buying dust will certainly profit well"(Narrated by Abu Dawood (2810) and At-Tirmidhi (1/287))

Here also is the history of the use of the dinar dirham by the Prophet.

Abu Salamah told that,Conjunctiva%20Of%20The%20E

"I asked Aisha RA," How much dowry to the wife of the Prophet? "She said," Dowry him to the wife is a total of 12 and a nasy uqiyah. "Then she asked," Do you know how a uqiyah that? " I replied, "No." She said, "Forty dirhams." She asked, "Do you know how a nasy that? "I said," No. "She said," Twenty dirhams. "(Narrated by Muslim).


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