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Introduction of Dinar and Dirham

Introduction of Dinar and Dirham

The return to a form of trading and business transactions which have blessing and spiritual benefit, along material gain, is the most pressing issue of our time.
The reason is that all forms of oppression, destruction of the natural resources of our planet and injustice between poor and rich, all are ultimately based upon the rule of usury and the dominant financial and economic ethos.

The return to a healthy and equitable way of conducting business has many stages and implies the restoration of many lost institutions and procedures which prevailed until the hegemony of the present usurious institutions.

The most significant step in this progress will be the recovering of a currency system of real money and the progressive abolition of symbolic money printed in paper and fictitious currency manipulated in speculative markets and gambling exchange markets.

The gold dinar and Silver dirham have been universally accepted means of exchange for thousands of years and are beginning to be recognised as the only way to return to sanity and fairness.

Simultaneously, the use of fully gold backed e-dinar in markets where the physical gold and silver coins are also in circulation, the formulas of investment for trading (qirad) shareholding for production (shirkat) and the trusted forms of representation with equitable profits (wakala and qafila) will accompany the restoration of Islamic Trade.

The consequences of this process will be many, we will see the creation of an Islamic Trade Bloc with a common currency, The Islamic Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham. Then, the reunification of the Muslim Ummah, the reshaping of the power balance in the world, the end of the dollar supremacy and the end of oligarchies of millionaires and billionaires, in favour of the poor and progress which will benefit the people, not the corporations.

We want to make a contribution and be part of this unstoppable historic change by having always a relevant news and interesting articles, documents and research on the subject.

History of the Dinar and Dirham

In the beginning the Muslims used gold and silver by weight and the dinar and dirhams that they used were made by the Persians.

The first dated coins that can be assigned to the Muslims are copies of silver dirhams of the Sassanian Yezdigird III, struck during the Khalifate of Uthman, radiy'allahu anhu. These coins differ from the original ones in that an Arabic inscription is found in the obverse margins, normally reading "in the Name of Allah". Since then the writing in Arabic of the Name of Allah and parts of Qur'an on the coins became a custom in all mintings made by Muslims.

Under what was known as the coin standard of the Khalif Umar Ibn al-Khattab, the weight of 10 dirhams was equivalent to 7 dinars (mithqals)

In the year 75 (695 CE) the Khalifah Abdalmalik ordered Al-Hajjaj to mint the first dirhams, thus he established officially the standard of Umar Ibn al-Khattab. In the next year he ordered the dirhams to be minted in all the regions of the Dar al-Islam. He ordered that the coins be stamped with the sentence: "Allah is Unique, Allah is Eternal". He ordered the removal of human figures and animals from the coins and that they be replaced with letters.

This command was then carried on throughout all the history of Islam. The dinar and the dirham were both round, and the writing was stamped in concentric circles. Typically on one side it was written the "tahlil" and the "tahmid", that is, "la ilaha ill'Allah" and "alhamdulillah"; and on the other side was written the name of the Amir and the date. Later on it became common to introduce the blessings on the Prophet, salla'llahu alayhi wa sallam, and sometimes, ayats of the Qur'an.
Gold and silver coins remained official currency until the fall of the Khalifate. Since then, dozens of different paper currencies were made in each of the new postcolonial national states created from the dismemberment of Dar al-Islam.

Allah says in the Qur'an:

And amongst the People of the Book there are those who, if you were to entrust them with a treasure (qintar), he would return it to you. And amongst them is he who, if you were to entrust him with a dinar would not return it to you, unless you kept standing over him. Qur'an (3,75)

Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi, the greatest authority on Qur'anic Law wrote in his famous "Ahkam al-Qur'an" about this ayat:

"The benefit that can be taken from this is the prohibition of entrusting the People of the Book with goods".

Qadi Abu Bakr said: "The question concerning entrusting property is legislated by the text of Qur'an." This means that the ayat is a legal judgement of absolute validity and of the greatest importance to the deen.

Entrusting wealth to non-Muslims is not allowed, but furthermore, taking a non-Muslim as a partner outside Dar al-Islam (where we stand over them) is extremely restricted, because they might cheat or might use our wealth in forbidden transactions.
Since paper-money is a promise of payment, can it be permitted to trust the issuers while they hold the payment (our property) outside our jurisdiction? History has also demonstrated repeatedly that paper money has been a permanent instrument of default and cheating the Muslims. In addition, Islamic Law does not permit the use of a promise of payment as a medium of exchange.

Introduction of Dinar and Dirham VIDEO :


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