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The History of Dinar and Dirham

The History Of Dinar Dirham

In the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the currency of the Arabs was the Dinar and Dirham and this currency lasted in its original precious metal form until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I , but many Arab countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Morocco, Qatar, Libya and Iraq still use the names to refer to their non-precious metal currencies. 
The word ‘dirham’ is derived from the name of a Greek coin, the Drachma, which was used by the Greek-speaking Byzantine Empire that controlled the Levant and traded with Arabia. The first dinars and dirhams minted by Muslims was during the Khalifate of Uthman bin Affaan, wherein the coins differed from the original ones in circulation by the Arabic inscription of “in the Name of Allaah” on the obverse margins. During the Khalifate of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the coin standard was introduced so that the weight of 10 dirhams was equivalent to 7 dinars (1 mithqal).

The Modern Movement

Firstly, I would like to thank and give credit to those who have fought the uphill battle to return Sunnah Money to the Ummah and the most recognized individuals I know of are Umar Ibrahim Vadillo (President of World Islamic Mint), Dr. Zeno Dahinden (CEO of E-Dinar), Zaim Saidi (CEO of Wakala Induk Nusantara), Sheikh Imran Hosein (scholar and author), and Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad (former Prime Minister of Malaysia), in addition to mints like Logam Mulia and Islamic Mint Nusantara. 
Thanks must also be given to state governments like the Government of Kelantan and Perak State Government and conferences like the ‘International Conference on Gold Dinar Economy’ [July 2007], ‘Islamic Gold Dinar Roadshow’ (UK) [May 2010], and ‘World Conference on Riba’ (Malaysia) [November 2010] for increasing the awareness and availability of the movement.

The largest integration of the Dinar and Dirham into regular society in the world are in Indonesia, Malaysia and the surrounding areas. There are also small initiatives in Pakistan, United Kingdom, South Africa and the United States of America.


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